Surabaya as the capital city of East Java experiencing the urban sprawl phenomenon, it impacts urban activities around it since Surabaya is the main hub in Gerbangkertosusila metropolitan area. Stasiun Gubeng is one of the centers of activities in Surabaya due to its function as the main railway hub of Jawa Timur province. This research’s goal is to identificate the criteria from the perspective of the transit-oriented development concept (TOD) and use it as a planning method for Stasiun Gubeng area. TOD as an urban development concept is growing to be one of the popular solutions for urban development concept in various parts of the world. Node-place index analysis is the method used to identificate the criteria for Stasiun Gubeng, the output of the analysis itself will be in a form of a diagram that can be used to measure the balance of node index and place index. From the survey conducted in this research, it is found that Stasiun Gubeng area has a balanced node index and place index which means with the various amount of activities in the area is accommodated by an equal amount of transportation supplies. While it is considered to be ideal, the action plan for Stasiun Gubeng is to improve the components that are yet
to be functioned well, such as pedestrian walkways, bike lanes, bike-share system, bike access policies, and development of active building corridors. The action plan itself focused on the creation of a TOD area with efficient land use as well as flexible transportation infrastructure.
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