Muhammad Fajry Ramadianto, Agus Dwi Wicaksono, Wawargita Permata Wijayanti


Nunukan Island is one of the National Border Areas, especially the state border at sea bordering the State of Malaysia. Due to these conditions, the occurrence of cross-border activities of the population of Nunukan Island towards Malaysia. This is supported by the frequency or number of cross-border activities for the population of Nunukan Island to Malaysia, reaching 87,665 activities in 2019. The cities targeted in Malaysia include Tawau, Sampoerna, Lahad Datu, Sandakan, Kota Kinabalu, Keningau, and Kuala Lumpur. These activities form certain characteristics, which can be distinguished based on the purpose, type of mobility, and migration decisions. This study aims to identify patterns of cross-border movement and analyze the factors that influence the frequency of cross-border activities. The results showed that (1) the pattern of cross-border activities of the population of Nunukan Island towards Malaysia was mostly in the form of a desire to see other countries and (2) the most influential factor was the condition of public facilities. The factors that influence the activities of the inhabitants of Nunukan Island include economic factors (job and income), social factors (the presence of relatives), individual characteristics factors (gender, marital status, age, and recent education), and progress factors at the destination. (public facilities, recreational/entertainment facilities). The general regression equation on the 3 models of influencing factors are: Y = a + b1X1 + b21X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 + b5X5 + b6X6 + b7X7 + b8X8 + b9X9


Border; Frequency; Cross-Border Activity; Pattern; Factor

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